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Research Award

Purpose: Conduct next phase/fully developed, hypothesis-driven research based on promising preliminary or formative data gathered through prior pilot research. The goal is to provide continued support for highly innovative research proposals with substantial promising preliminary or supporting data that reflects a clear progression beyond the earliest phases of the work and has clear potential for future impact. Research Award applications should not be exploratory in nature and should include strong supporting data.    

Award overview: 

  • Maximum award amount per year: $300,000 (direct costs) 
  • Maximum duration: 3 years 
  • Allowable direct costs: Salaries, fringe benefits, supplies, publishing, sub-contracts*, equipment (costing more than $5,000), and travel.
  • Travel: 
  • Project-related travel: As needed (must be fully justified) 
  • Travel to TRDRP conference: $750 (mandatory) 
  • Scientific conference travel: Up to $2,000 per year (excluding a mandatory allocation of $750 in one year of the project for travel to the TRDRP conference) 
  • Indirect costs: Full indirect costs are allowed to non-UC institutions. Indirect costs to UC campuses are capped at 35 percent, or 25 percent for projects conducted off-campus. 

 *All out-of-state sub-contracts, collaborations, and expenditures must be well-justified; please note that funding for out-of-state expenses is extremely limited and TRDRP does not encourage such expenses.  

Award requirements:

  • Applicants must have a PI-status at the sponsoring institution 
  • Awardees are required to commit at least 10 percent of their effort each year to activities supported by this award
  • U.S. citizenship is not a requirement