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Maternal Smoking Cessation Initiative

Addressing Adverse Maternal/Fetal Health Outcomes through Smoking Cessation

Purpose: Supports research dedicated to developing, implementing, and evaluating culturally-tailored commercial tobacco cessation interventions specifically designed to improve health outcomes for pregnant individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), American Indians, and Alaska Native (AIAN).

**The MSCI Award mechanisms have a separate Call for Applications, which must be read and adhered to by applicants.**

Partnered Maternal Cessation Award (Partnered-MSCI) Overview:  

  • Maximum award amount per year: $500,000 per year (Direct Costs)  
    • Community Co-PI budget max: $250,000 per year 
    • Academic Co-PI budget max: $250,000 per year 
  • Maximum Award Duration: 2 years 
  • Allowable direct costs: Salaries, trainee/internship costs, fringe benefits, supplies, participant incentives, subcontracts*, equipment (costing more than $5,000), travel, publishing costs and other dissemination activities. 
  • Travel:  
    • Project-related travel: As needed in each Co-PI budget (must be fully justified) 
    • Travel to TRDRP conference (Mandatory): $750 for the Community Co-PI; $750 for the Academic Co-PI 
    • Scientific conference travel: maximum of $2,000 per year for the Community Co-PI; maximum of $2,000 per year for the Academic Co-PI 
  • Indirect costs: Full indirect costs are allowed to non-UC institutions. Indirect costs to UC campuses are capped at 35 percent, or 25 percent for projects conducted off-campus.  

Single Investigator Maternal Cessation Award (Single Investigator-MSCI) Overview:   

  • Maximum award amount per year: $250,000 (direct costs) 
  • Maximum duration: 2 years  
  • Allowable direct costs: Salaries, fringe benefits, supplies, publishing, sub-contracts*, equipment (costing more than $5,000), and travel. 
  • Travel:   
    • Project-related travel: As needed (must be fully justified)  
    • Travel to TRDRP conference: $750 (mandatory)  
    • Scientific conference travel: Up to $2,000 per year (excluding a mandatory allocation of $750 in one year of the project for travel to the TRDRP conference)  
  • Indirect costs: Full indirect costs are allowed to non-UC institutions. Indirect costs to UC campuses are capped at 35 percent, or 25 percent for projects conducted off-campus.

Rreview criteria: Detailed review criteria are described in the MSCI Call for Applications.

For more details, please read the Maternal Smoking Cessation Initiative Call for Applications