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Pilot Community-Partnered Participatory Research Award (Pilot CPPRA)

**Please Note: the CPPRA Award mechanism has a separate Request for Applications (RFA), which must be read and adhered to by applicant teams. The separate RFA can be found on TRDRP's website under Funding Opportunities**

Purpose:  Conduct the initial phase of a hypothesis-driven community-partnered research project, up to 2-years of support, including testing the acceptability and feasibility of methods, strengthening collaborative relationships, developing tools and methods for a later intervention, collecting preliminary data, and demonstrating proof-of-principle of a new paradigm or research hypothesis. The goal of the Pilot CPPRA is to provide initial support for community-partnered research projects with potential to inform a prevention or cessation intervention in the future.

**Please Note: the CPPRA Award mechanism has a separate Request for Applications (RFA), which must be read and adhered to by applicant teams. The separate RFA can be found on TRDRP's website under Funding Opportunities**

Purpose:  Conduct the initial phase of a hypothesis-driven community-partnered research project, up to 2-years of support, including testing the acceptability and feasibility of methods, strengthening collaborative relationships, developing tools and methods for a later intervention, collecting preliminary data, and demonstrating proof-of-principle of a new paradigm or research hypothesis. The goal of the Pilot CPPRA is to provide initial support for community-partnered research projects with potential to inform a prevention or cessation intervention in the future.

Award Overview:

  • Maximum award amount per year: $500,000 per year (Direct Costs)
    • Community Co-PI budget max: $250,000 per year
    • Academic Co-PI budget max: $250,000 per year
  • Maximum Duration: 2 years
  • Allowable direct costs: Salaries, trainee/internship costs, fringe benefits, supplies, participant incentives, subcontracts*, equipment (costing more than $5,000), travel, publishing costs and other dissemination activities.
  • Travel:
    • Project-related travel: As needed in each Co-PI budget (must be fully justified)
    • Travel to TRDRP conference (Mandatory): $750 for the Community Co-PI; $750 for the Academic Co-PI
    • Scientific conference travel: maximum of $2,000 per year for the Community Co-PI; maximum of $2,000 per year for the Academic Co-PI
  • Indirect costs: Full indirect costs are allowed to non-UC institutions. Indirect costs to UC campuses are capped at 35 percent, or 25 percent for projects conducted off-campus. 

*All out-of-state sub-contracts and collaborations must be well-justified; please note that funding for out-of-state expenses is extremely limited and TRDRP does not encourage such expenses.  

Award requirements: The nuanced requirements for the CPPRA Award mechanism and expectations for Community and Academic Co-PIs are explicated in the standalone CPPRA RFA.

Review criteria: Detailed review criteria are described in the CPPRA RFA.

For more details, read the Community-Partnered Participatory Research Award Request for Applications