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Full Community Partnered Participatory Research Award (Full CPPRA)


**Please Note: the CPPRA Award mechanism has a separate Request for Applications (RFA), which must be read and adhered to by applicant teams. The separate RFA can be found on TRDRP's website under Funding Opportunities**

Purpose:  Conduct the continuation of hypothesis-driven, community-partnered research projects, up to 3-years of support to development, evaluation, testing, or examination of a community tobacco prevention intervention or treatment intervention. Applicants to the Full CPPRA Award mechanism are expected focus the project on building from pilot or preliminary data and to be focused on tobacco-related research issues of importance to the community. The goal of the Full CPPRA is to provide continued support for community-partnered research projects with potential to inform a prevention or cessation intervention in the future. Full CPPRA applications should include strong supporting data.


Award Overview:

  • Maximum award amount per year: $600,000 per year (Direct Costs)
    • Community Co-PI budget max: $300,000 per year
    • Academic Co-PI budget max: $300,000 per year
  • Maximum duration: 3 years
  • Allowable direct costs: Salaries, trainee/internship costs, fringe benefits, supplies, participant incentives, subcontracts*, equipment (costing more than $5,000), travel, publishing costs and other dissemination activities.
  • Travel:
    • Project-related travel: As needed in each Co-PI budget (must be fully justified)
    • Travel to TRDRP conference (Mandatory): $750 for the Community Co-PI; $750 for the Academic Co-PI
    • Scientific conference travel: maximum of $2,000 per year for the Community Co-PI; maximum of $2,000 per year for the Academic Co-PI
  • Indirect costs: Full indirect costs are allowed to non-UC institutions. Indirect costs to UC campuses are capped at 35 percent, or 25 percent for projects conducted off-campus. 

*All out-of-state sub-contracts and collaborations must be well-justified; please note that funding for out-of-state expenses is extremely limited and TRDRP does not encourage such expenses.  

Award requirements: The nuanced requirements for the CPPRA Award mechanism and expectations for Community and Academic Co-PIs are described in detail in the standalone CPPRA RFA.

Review criteria: Detailed review criteria are described in the CPPRA RFA.

 For more details read the Community-Partnered Participatory Research Award Request for Applications