TRDRP Live Webcast
A new and emerging paradigm of substance use and abuse, we are calling the Triangulum. Triangulum, Latin for triangle, reflects the intersection of tobacco, marijuana, and electronic cigarettes; the latter being the delivery device for both these and other substances. This changing landscape includes not only e-cigarettes, but also hookah pens delivering flavored nicotine liquids; heat-not-burn products that produce fumes, no fire-no smoke; flavored little cigars, both regular and electronic; synthetic marijuana (spice) that you can dab; and liquid THC, which you can aerosolize. To capture the science behind these new developments, TRDRP brought together an outstanding group of scientists to explain these and comment on this new terrain.
The recording of the event and presentations from speakers' at the conference are now available below:
Speaker slide presentations:
- Suzaynn Schick, Ph.D., University of California San Francisco - "Secondhand and Thirdhand Exposure to Smoke and Vapor"
- Mary Rezk-Hanna, N.P., University of California Los Angeles - "Hookah Smoking: Known Health Effects and Associated Substances"
- Kelvin Choi, Ph.D., National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities - "The Epidemiology of Poly Substance Use Among Youth and Adults"
- Susan Weiss, Ph.D., National Institute of Drug Abuse - "Adverse Effects of Marijuana: What We Know and What We Need to Know About its Combination with Other Substances, Including Tobacco"
- Kenneth Warner, Ph.D. (Discussant), University of Michigan - "The End Game or a New Game; What Does This All Mean for Tobacco Control"
- Phillip Gardiner, Dr. P.H. (Moderator), University of California Office of the President, Tobacco Related Disease Research Program - "The Triangulum: Tobacco, Marijuana and E-Cigarettes: The Future is Now!"
- A Comparison of Mainstream and Sidestream Marijuana and Tobacco Cigarette Smoke Produced under Two Machine Smoking Conditions
- A Risk-Continuum Categorization of Product Use among U.S. Youth Tobacco Users
- Acute cardiovascular toxicity of hookah (waterpipe) smoking versus perceived risk
- Acute Effect of Hookah Smoking on the Human Coronary Microcirculation
- Adverse Health Effects of Marijuana Use
- Cannabis smoking and respiratory health: Consideration of the literature
- Electronic cigarettes - A new form of nicotine use
- Electronic cigarettes are a source of thirdhand exposure to nicotine
- Frequency of E-Cigarette Use and Cigarette Smoking by American Students in 2014
- Hookah smoking among young adults in Southern California
- The Nicotine Fix
- Thirdhand cigarette smoke in an experimental chamber: evidence of surface deposition of nicotine, nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and de novo formation of NNK
- Vaping cannabis (marijuana): parallel concerns to e-cigs?