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TRDRP Live Webcast

A live webcast titled, "The Triangulum: Tobacco, Marijuana, and E-Cigarettes" was hosted by TRDRP on May 26, 2016 at UCSF Parnassus Campus Health Science West 301 Auditorium in San Francisco.

A new and emerging paradigm of substance use and abuse, we are calling the Triangulum.  Triangulum, Latin for triangle, reflects the intersection of tobacco, marijuana, and electronic cigarettes; the latter being the delivery device for both these and other substances.  This changing landscape includes not only e-cigarettes, but also hookah pens delivering flavored nicotine liquids; heat-not-burn products that produce fumes, no fire-no smoke; flavored little cigars, both regular and electronic; synthetic marijuana (spice) that you can dab; and liquid THC, which you can aerosolize.  To capture the science behind these new developments, TRDRP brought together an outstanding group of scientists to explain these and comment on this new terrain. 

The recording of the event and presentations from speakers' at the conference are now available below:

Speaker slide presentations:


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