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Student Research Supplement

To foster undergraduate and master’s student research and allow active research training and mentoring by providing additional supplement, in order to bring new workforce into the stated research priority areas of TRDRP.

Recipients of non-mentored grants (such as High Impact Pilot Award, High Impact Research Project Award, New Investigator Award, or Community Practice-Based Research Awards) are encouraged to consider participation by undergraduate and master’s students under their mentorship. Students enrolled in a predoctoral degree program are not eligible for this supplement and should apply for the Predoctoral Fellowship Award. Request for Student Research Supplements must be submitted as part of an ongoing grant’s scientific progress report to be considered for funding. Applications will be reviewed by TRDRP staff.

All applications must address one or more of our eight research priorities and must be tobacco-related.

Maximum supplement amount per year: $20,000 (direct cost)

Maximum duration: 1 year

Allowable direct costs: Salaries, fringe benefits, tuition, enrollment fees for the trainee, supplies, domestic travel

Equipment: Not allowed as part of this supplemental funding

Supplies and Travel:

  • Project-related travel: As needed (must be fully justified)
  • Travel to TRDRP conference: $750 (mandatory)
  • Scientific conference travel: Up to $2000 per year (excluding a mandatory allocation of $750 in one year of the project for travel to the TRDRP Conference)
  • Supplies: Up to $2200 (must be fully justified)

Indirect Costs: Not allowed

Submission procedure requirements:

  • Supplement Application for a currently funded TRDRP award: Please contact the Contracts and Grants team at the Research Grants Program Office for details by emailing  
  • Supplement Application for a new TRDRP research application: Supplement will be considered by TRDRP staff if the grant is selected for funding. Supplement must be submitted as part of an ongoing grant’s scientific progress report to be considered for funding.
    • Requirements of the supplement application include:
      • Identify your candidate providing rationale and supplement requirement to identify, train and foster new workforce into the stated research priority areas of TRDRP. If the candidate is listed in your grant application, please explain any funding overlap.
      • Include description of your track record as a mentor.
      • Training plan: Describe how the research experience will enhance the candidate's skills and knowledge and help him or her achieve career goals.
      • Include candidate biosketch.